RahXephon Anime Wiki

Total Height: 393 ft

A mushroom-shaped Dolem, with a very feminine looking Dolem hidden underneath a dome cap. When its body spreads open to the right and left, another unit appears from within. Swallows the RahXephon and Ayato, with the former ripping through its face to get out before tearing it apart with its sword. The case part of the Dolem disappears when the internal one is destroyed.


In Musical terms Falsetto often translated as a "false voice," a vocal technique that allows male singers to perform notes ordinarily out of their natural range.

fal·set·to : \fȯl-ˈse-(ˌ)tō\

1 : an artificially high voice; especially : an artificially produced singing voice that overlaps and extends above the range of the full voice especially of a tenor
